Rousers Logo Re-Design!

We made great progress this week on drawing up our new logo with Evan Azcuy, an artist and  a good friend of Rousers!  

An experienced graphic designer and artist, Evan was able to take our idea (a walking pair of overalls), and create several basic templates across a range of styles -- some looking more graphic and others more hand-drawn -- for us to choose from.  Our final design settles somewhere between a drawing scribbled on a diner napkin and something from Auguste Rodin's lesser known "Overall Phase."

Several designs did not make the cut.

Several designs did not make the cut.


With Evan's help, we are re-designing our printed materials (business cards, retail hang-tags, etc.), and are planning to have them letter-pressed soon!

Images can often set a tone in a way words cannot, and it is exciting for us to have one which we feel represents our look and aspirations. We're very pleased!